Love Hunt

You've woken up in a monster world. What do you do? Perhaps it's a bit cliche but you want to know these monsters better.

Released 9. July 2019. 1 min read.

Love Hunt Logo

The Game

Love Hunt is a RenPy dating sim made during the 2019 Becker Game Jam.

The game was made in under 24 hours.

The game can be found at its Itch page

My Role

Love Hunt Logo

I was the lead developer on the project, which mostly entailed implmenting the diolouge into the game's script and acting as the main playtester.

I also wrote the branch for Cal the Skeleton, a classic jock character whos only problem is that he has no muscles to flex.

What I Learned

This was a formative project in my narrative game work. It was the first time I worked on a dioluge heavy game that came to completion.

The main technology I tackled was of course RenPy, which came quickly to me because of both my former attmepts at diolouge and my work in data sciecne which gave me a foundation in python.

© 2022 Elijah Cobb
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